Hyperactive Comics

History of Hyperactive Comics

History of Hyperactive Comics
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Hyperactive Comics Index

Hyperactive Comics was created 15 years ago as an outlet for all the crazy characters and story lines bouncing around in my head! Not content to merely create mirror images of my favorite Heroes from the "big 2" I tried to make each character a unique and interesting person with individual personalities and quirks!

With a rich History that started in 1939 with the creation of "The American Liberty Squad" all the way to the present with Engineboy and Edison Thomas.Dozens of Heroes and Villains all vying for this vast Universe and always at the center of it all is -- Kid Daring!

Kid Daring is the seemingly Immortal boy forever trapped at the age of 16! He has fought for the forces of Good for over 67 years first as a founding member of the Liberty Squad and in his later years he has taken on the role of Legendary Inspiration and Trainer for the young Heroes of Today!

Hyperactive Comics first started out as Printed Comic books distributed throughout the Country until the late 90's when it was switched to the World Wide Web. After being presented on various web comic sites it has finally landed here at it's very own and permanent home!


Hyperactive Comics

Hyperactive Comics and All Characters copyright Kevin Hill 2005